Saturday, 18 May 2013

What's in the 8 food groups?

1. Liquids

Water is an essential ingredient of a healthy diet. The total daily fluid requirement amounts for adults are about 2.5 litres. Solid feeding brings about 1 liter of fluid per day. The rest must be absorbed through beverages. Under normal circumstances one would so have to drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day. In hot weather and to people who exercise or strenuous physical work and lose more fluid through perspiration, is recommended to drink more. Limit the intake of caffeine. Caffeine has previously problems.


They provide multiple carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. They form the basic nutrition. That means that an important cereal products and potatoes should be part of every meal.

This group includes potatoes and all kinds of grain products such as bread, biscuits, cereals, rice and pasta. Whole grain products get the preference. They contain more dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals than white varieties.

How many grain products and potatoes per day are needed depends on the activity. Someone much sport, uses more energy than someone who has a sedentary occupation and hence more energy and consequently more cereals and potatoes. (see carbohydrates, carbohydrates, see "loading")

The recommendation therefore varies from 5 to 12 slices of bread (from 175 to 420 grams) and from 3 to 5 potatoes (210 to 350 grams).

3. fruit

These provide dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and multiple and simple carbohydrates. Because not all vegetables contain the same vitamins and minerals is very important variety. Vegetables we eat never too much. In total one would have to eat 300 grams of vegetables per day. This quantity can be achieved by both prepared vegetables as raw vegetables to eat, spread over the meals. The warm meal would ever great vegetables to contain: at least 200 grams after preparation or 250 grams raw weight. At the bread meal can then for example 100 grams of raw vegetables. Also as a snack or even at breakfast, vegetables eaten


Fruit supplies just like vegetables dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates (simple). Fruits and vegetables are distinguished from each other by the presence of different types and amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, one should eat fruit daily as both vegetables. Can Fruit at breakfast, as a snack or snack, sandwich and be eaten for dessert. Preferably eat 2 to 3 pieces per day. Rather use fresh fruit than fruit canned or dried fruit.

* are not full-fledged replacement for fruit because of their high sugar content, but in the scheme of a hard training athlete can still preferred their place in the group.


These are an important source of calcium, protein and vitamins of the B group. Calcium is an essential nutrient that contributes to building and maintaining strong bones. 3 to 4 glasses of milk or milk products such as yoghurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese and buttermilk with calcium and vitamin B2 or fortified soy products and one (20 g) to two slices of cheese (40 g) per day are sufficient to meet our calcium needs.

The preference is always to semi-skimmed and skimmed products.

6. meat, fish, eggs and REPLACE PRODUCTS

Meat, fish and eggs are a source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Plant alternative products of meat, fish and eggs include soy products, legumes and nuts. Plant alternative products, however, are less good iron sources and deliver no vitamin B12. Nuts are (with the exception of coconut) rich in unsaturated fatty acids, but have a very high fat content.

To fully replace meat in a vegetarian nutrition is necessary to vegetable protein sources to supplement with cereals or milk products. 100 grams of meat Per Day is sufficient or cold meats. For fish, eggs and soy products are covered by the same 100 grams. Best one to two times a week put fish on the menu. Refer also to fat fish, which is a good source of unsaturated fatty acids.

7. Fats and oils

Oils and cooking fats are minarines, margarines, butter, balade light butter, baking and cooking fat and oils. They deliver first energy (fats) but are also important for the intake of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

Rule of thumb: fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids (the good) are soft or liquid, even when they come out of the fridge. Saturated fats (the bad) are hard and harder to spread.

8. the REST

The tip of the food contains the salvage group, a separate "floating" section in which all foods are that strictly speaking are not needed in a balanced diet. One finds there sweets, sweets, alcoholic and sugary drinks, fatty sauces, .... that usually deliver a lot of energy in the form of fat, sugar or alcohol and that in relation to the applied energy contain little or no nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Foods from this group only fit in a healthy diet if they are eaten in small quantities. However, if a high energy need or a high carbohydrate needs to by very intensive sports (see carbohydrates "loading", recovery food, mountain tours by bike, ...) can afford something from this box more than someone who aligns and this box best appeals to as little as possible.

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