Height increasing insoles are something everyone should buy
I think that height increasing insoles are one of the greatest invention ever I say this because for most it can be daily difficult sticking to a strict balanced diet for economical reasons and even harder making children stick to a healthy diet when they are young to help them grow taller... Im not saying that you shouldn't because you should but what i am saying is for those of us who find that because of malnutrition we have stunted our growth a pair of height increasing insoles can be just what you need to gain the height you would want to be instantly.
Height increasing insoles provide a big confidence boost for those who are small and can even be worn by those who are tall as well!
Height increasing insoles shouldn't be dismissed as a novelty product because they do work and they can lift peoples confidence and self esteem while they are at it!
This article maybe of interest its about height increasing insoles however they call them shoe lifts
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Why are carbohydrates important?
Carbohydrates are the basis of the sports nutrition. The effect of carbohydrate intake on the sports performance, both during training and during competition, is the world researched, documented and strongly shows that carbohydrates are of the utmost importance during exertion. In popular media are carbohydrates often reviled, they would thickening and low-carbohydrate diets are often as the "healthy alternative" suggested. It is no wonder that recreational athletes and even elite athletes are no longer certain how many carbs now needed to maintain optimal system operation and simultaneously to maintain the body weight that best suits their sport suits. Yet they are of the utmost importance in sports. Carbohydrates are the fuel of the body during exercise.
Why are carbohydrates important?
Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy, especially during long continuous efforts or intense efforts. In our body are carbohydrates stored in the liver and the muscles but the storage capacity is limited. When carbohydrate supplies do not meet the fuel needs of the training athlete than are the effects: fatigue, reduced performance, impaired eagerness to train and reduced resistance of the immune system. That is why we need sporting people their carbohydrate intake plans in function of their training sessions and also their daily intake to fit their need.
how much we eat?
From the national food consumption survey we know we eat too few carbohydrates. Recommended is to at least 55% of the required energy from carbohydrates, but we pick up barely 46%. This is because our diet is not balanced. We eat too much fat and too much protein at the expense of sufficient carbohydrates.
how much is enough?
The need for carbohydrates is dependent on the energy needs of the athlete. The individual energy requirements depends on the training and match schedule, the training frequency and the duration and intensity of the sports activity.Since the energy requirements differ from day to day, it is also necessary that the carbohydrate intake is adjusted. In heavy training or game days it is necessary to increase the carbohydrate intake, in order thus to higher energy requirements and optimal performance and then the recovery.
During days when there is not trained, the carbohydrate intake what Juniors, so as to keep pace with the lower need, but there is never recommended to eat low-carb. At least 55% of the energy must always be delivered by carbohydrates.
A good way to the carbohydrate intake on a daily basis into line with the need, is to the carbohydrate-rich foods to eat before, during and after the training. Are training heavy, then there are more carbohydrates. Keep that way athletes not only their total carbohydrate intake on levels, also the timing of the carbohydrate intake is thus ideal for training or competition to provide the necessary energy.
The following table gives an idea how many carbs daily are needed for various sports and for various levels of activity. Every athlete can adjust these guidelines to your own specific training situation or energy needs.
Daily carbohydrate requirement depending on the training-(match-) situation
Also the timing of the carbohydrate intake is important and not just the daily total requirement (see below when are carbohydrates important?).
Good versus bad carbohydrates?
Integration of beer and food and beverages are a heterogeneous group which one can classify according to different criteria.
When we speak of single and multiple carbohydrates are these depending on their structure has been awarded 4 stars. This one will be the simple carbohydrates, sugars, often as "bad" see but this is not always correct. For example, many simple sugars but also Fruit contains many vitamins and minerals and should by no means be limited.
Also the glycemic index, with the effect of a food on blood sugar measurement, is used to make the distinction between so-called good and bad carbohydrates.
From sports nutrition point of view, it is most useful to the integration of beer and to classify foods according to their value as a food. In other words if they also make other useful nutrients in addition to carbohydrates. This is called the nutrient density.
One can also divide them according to their fat content, because integration of beer and food and beverages often contain a lot of fat.
fast versus slow sugars?
The glycemic index (GI) gives an estimate for the speed with which the blood sugar rises after eating carbohydrates. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and give off their glucose quickly into the bloodstream have a high glycemic index, while carbohydrates that break down slowly and their blood glucose gradually give off a low glycemic index. If two products are eaten in which as many carbohydrates are, there may be faster at one product more glucose in the blood than at the other. There is also called talked about ' fast ' and ' slow ' sugars.
The GI of a product is measured by the rise in blood sugar levels after eating 50 grams of carbohydrates of a product (A) compare to the rise in blood sugar after eating 50 grams white bread or glucose (B) by the same person. This increase is followed for two hours and then the measurements of A and B compared to each other.
A high GI is around 70 or higher (fast sugars). A low GI is lower than 55 (slow sugars). Of each product can be determined the GI, but how high that value is depends on many factors, such as:
the method of preparation: the GI of cooked potatoes is 50, but those of French fries and baked potatoes about 80.
How long a product is boiled or fried.
at what temperature it is prepared.
at fruit matured, how far it is.
the rate at which one's stomach becomes empty.
the speed of bowel function.
In addition, eat people combinations of foods and this not only contain carbohydrates, but also fat and that has again affect the GI.
The danger of such "classification" based purely on a single effect is that one goes one-sided interpretation and lose sight of the overall picture. So it may indeed be important to just after effort to select foods with a high GI faster recovery of the glycogen supply, but for planning the total diet is best to seek a good balance and the GI is no good guide.
When are carbohydrates important?
type, intensity and duration of the workout
frequency of the effort or time between 2 training sessions
body composition (ideal weight, weight or lose weight)
environmental factors
level of training,
purpose of the training sessions
In sports nutrition is not only the entire daily carbohydrate needs of importance but also the timing of the carbohydrate intake around training and competition.
for the effort
The carbohydrate intake for the effort should the blood glucose and maximize the glycogen supply in the body. This is especially important when the League or the training takes place in the morning, or when the effort is very intensive or lasts longer than 90 minutes. Also look at carbohydrates "loading" and eat for effort. Carbohydrates charging for long-running sports efforts (ultra walking, marathon, sturdy mountain tours by bike, ... can by a few days before the planned effort to eat extra carbohydrate-rich in combination with relative calm. A daily carbohydrate-rich food is sufficient for each further effort longer than 45 minutes. Before the start of an effort that lasts longer than 60 minutes, it is important to have a last boost in carbohydrates to plan (1 to 4 g carbs/kg LG and this 1 to 4 hours before the start).
during exercise
we must continue to supply the muscle with carbohydrates in order to avoid a time decreases the intensity of the effort after or at least we should try to postpone this moment of maximum decrease. On the other hand, at the level of the central nervous system (brain). By during the effort to provide carbohydrates concentration and mental alertness remains optimal.
Eating and drinking foods during integration of beer and an effort does take planning and also training, just as one technique trains. Eat (drink) very consistent 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour from the start. It pays in the later stages of the effort. More than 60 grams of carbs per hour food makes no sense. It can not be processed by the body and excess sugars can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
after the workout
Carbohydrate food after the effort is essential in order to replenish the glycogen stores. Often, a optimal physical performance depending on the degree to which one recovered from the previous effort. Carbohydrates help to speed up the recovery and to do it all once again. Incomplete or slow recovery of glycogen stores can lead to training fatigue or a general feeling of fatigue. Incomplete recovery can have a negative impact on performance, especially when different matches of each other be finished (tournaments, swimming, athletics meetings, ....)
What's in the 8 food groups?
1. Liquids
Water is an essential ingredient of a healthy diet. The total daily fluid requirement amounts for adults are about 2.5 litres. Solid feeding brings about 1 liter of fluid per day. The rest must be absorbed through beverages. Under normal circumstances one would so have to drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day. In hot weather and to people who exercise or strenuous physical work and lose more fluid through perspiration, is recommended to drink more. Limit the intake of caffeine. Caffeine has previously problems.
They provide multiple carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. They form the basic nutrition. That means that an important cereal products and potatoes should be part of every meal.
This group includes potatoes and all kinds of grain products such as bread, biscuits, cereals, rice and pasta. Whole grain products get the preference. They contain more dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals than white varieties.
How many grain products and potatoes per day are needed depends on the activity. Someone much sport, uses more energy than someone who has a sedentary occupation and hence more energy and consequently more cereals and potatoes. (see carbohydrates, carbohydrates, see "loading")
The recommendation therefore varies from 5 to 12 slices of bread (from 175 to 420 grams) and from 3 to 5 potatoes (210 to 350 grams).
3. fruit
These provide dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and multiple and simple carbohydrates. Because not all vegetables contain the same vitamins and minerals is very important variety. Vegetables we eat never too much. In total one would have to eat 300 grams of vegetables per day. This quantity can be achieved by both prepared vegetables as raw vegetables to eat, spread over the meals. The warm meal would ever great vegetables to contain: at least 200 grams after preparation or 250 grams raw weight. At the bread meal can then for example 100 grams of raw vegetables. Also as a snack or even at breakfast, vegetables eaten
Fruit supplies just like vegetables dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates (simple). Fruits and vegetables are distinguished from each other by the presence of different types and amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, one should eat fruit daily as both vegetables. Can Fruit at breakfast, as a snack or snack, sandwich and be eaten for dessert. Preferably eat 2 to 3 pieces per day. Rather use fresh fruit than fruit canned or dried fruit.
* are not full-fledged replacement for fruit because of their high sugar content, but in the scheme of a hard training athlete can still preferred their place in the group.
These are an important source of calcium, protein and vitamins of the B group. Calcium is an essential nutrient that contributes to building and maintaining strong bones. 3 to 4 glasses of milk or milk products such as yoghurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese and buttermilk with calcium and vitamin B2 or fortified soy products and one (20 g) to two slices of cheese (40 g) per day are sufficient to meet our calcium needs.
The preference is always to semi-skimmed and skimmed products.
6. meat, fish, eggs and REPLACE PRODUCTS
Meat, fish and eggs are a source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Plant alternative products of meat, fish and eggs include soy products, legumes and nuts. Plant alternative products, however, are less good iron sources and deliver no vitamin B12. Nuts are (with the exception of coconut) rich in unsaturated fatty acids, but have a very high fat content.
To fully replace meat in a vegetarian nutrition is necessary to vegetable protein sources to supplement with cereals or milk products. 100 grams of meat Per Day is sufficient or cold meats. For fish, eggs and soy products are covered by the same 100 grams. Best one to two times a week put fish on the menu. Refer also to fat fish, which is a good source of unsaturated fatty acids.
7. Fats and oils
Oils and cooking fats are minarines, margarines, butter, balade light butter, baking and cooking fat and oils. They deliver first energy (fats) but are also important for the intake of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
Rule of thumb: fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids (the good) are soft or liquid, even when they come out of the fridge. Saturated fats (the bad) are hard and harder to spread.
8. the REST
The tip of the food contains the salvage group, a separate "floating" section in which all foods are that strictly speaking are not needed in a balanced diet. One finds there sweets, sweets, alcoholic and sugary drinks, fatty sauces, .... that usually deliver a lot of energy in the form of fat, sugar or alcohol and that in relation to the applied energy contain little or no nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Foods from this group only fit in a healthy diet if they are eaten in small quantities. However, if a high energy need or a high carbohydrate needs to by very intensive sports (see carbohydrates "loading", recovery food, mountain tours by bike, ...) can afford something from this box more than someone who aligns and this box best appeals to as little as possible.
Friday, 17 May 2013
You need energy whatever you do eat, sleep, study, work, work out, breathe, etc. While you read this your calories are burned. The necessary calories are extracted from the carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet eaten/drunk. The rate at which calories is called the metabolic rate. A high metabolic rate helps prevent fat stored. Three things speed up the metabolism:
regular training
bigger muscles
eat more often (at least five times in one day).
More muscle tissue creates a fast metabolism and prevents fat in the body can go pile up. Since fat slow energy and your body especially fat consumed at rest, your resting metabolism is an important factor if you want to lose weight. The height of your resting metabolism determines for 60 to 75% your daily energy consumption. An important factor that determines the height of resting metabolism, your muscle mass. Your muscle mass determines for 22% of your resting metabolism. If you lose muscle mass, your resting metabolism goes down and your body loses some of its fat-burning capacity. Loss of muscle mass means a lower resting metabolism, lower fat consumption, more effort to loose weight and more trouble after losing weight on weight.
There are three types of body types, the Mesomorph, endomorf and ectomorf. The ectomorf has very little fat and muscle volume by a fast metabolism. The only way to get more muscle volume for a ectomorf is next to intensive training using heavy weights eating lots of carbohydrates. For the meso-and endomorfen, this is not so much needed and could be a power supply with more protein due to a slower metabolism to a better result.
Carbohydrates are the main caloric energy source that in muscle cells in the form of glycogen are stored. At the time that this energy source is so low that no energy can be concerned, there are still more out but two other energy sources available: stored body fat and muscle protein. Unfortunately speaks our body in order to obtain the protein to energy first before giving it to the stored fats begins. That means that your body is in fact its own muscle tissue to get to energy, with the result that your muscle mass. To avoid this, it is important to spread the calorific intake throughout the day by at least five meals to eat. That means you have enough fuel refueled until your next meal two to three hours later.
The same case is on extreme diets. Extreme diets do not work if you want to lose weight in a good way. The energy shortage during such a diet is often too large and too acute. The body then recognizes a State of hunger, save when it can grease on and breaks down muscle tissue in the energy needs. Your daily energy consumption goes down, tired, is faster sick and feel weak. Therefore you often stop after a short period with losing weight. If you are going to eat normally again, then is gone as far down the metabolism, that you again soon arrives and usually several pounds heavier than for losing weight.
Make sure that if you have a diet in a healthy way this does. Eat good nutrition and take possibly a specialist in hands, otherwise all the effort for naught.
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